Prof. Dr. Tuğkan Tuğlular
Prof. Dr. Tugkan Tuglular received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer
Engineering from Ege University, Turkey, in 1993, 1995, and 1999 He
worked as a research associate at Purdue University from 1996 to 1998 He
has been with Izmir Institute of Technology since 2000 After becoming an
Assistant Professor at Izmir Institute of Technology, he worked as Chief
Information Officer in the university from 2003-2007. In addition to his
academic duties, he acted as IT advisor to the Rector between 2010-2014.
He served as the Chairman of the Organization Committee of the Computer
Software Applications Conference (COMPSAC) held in Izmir in 2012, with the
participation of 450 people from 40 countries. In the same year, he assumed
the role of project leader for the “Izmir Information Society Based
Development Strategy” defined by the Izmir Development Agency. Between
2013 and 2018, he worked intensively to strengthen the Izmir techno-
entrepreneurship ecosystem. Tugkan Tuglular, who received the title of
Associate Professor in 2018, works in both the Department of Computer
Engineering and the Department of Technology, Design and Innovation
Management at Izmir Institute of Technology. In 2021, he co-founded his
second company, Research Ecosystems, in Teknopark Izmir and continues to
work as CEO. Additionally, he became CEO of WIN Turkiye, a World
Innovations Network (WIN) associate. He became Professor in 2024 Later
that year, he co-founded his third company, NestNeo. Tugkan Tuglular,
whose academic areas of expertise include information security, software
quality assurance, software testing and reliable software development, has
over eighty national and international publications.